InjeraBy Teis Feldborg Gregersen 

Injera for breakfast, injera for lunch and injera for dinner is typical and what you should expect here in Ethiopia. The sour taste of this rolled spongy flatbread is something you literally cannot miss if you visit Ethiopia, it is everywhere, and you will, if you wish, get to eat it for every single meal. Luckily, the taste of injera is great, and your biggest concern is what to eat your injera with, not the taste of the injera alone.

Injera is made of teff and water. Teff is the tiniest grain in the world and is found originally and predominantly in Ethiopia; teff contains twice the iron of an equal portion of beef and more calcium than a glass of milk. When teff and water are mixed, the mixture is left to rise in a pot for two days. A small part

of the mixture is then taken and put into a pot with boiled water and cooked for a few minutes. When the mixture has cooled down, it will be put back into the rest of the mixture, this will make sure that the injera becomes soft and creates those characteristic air holes as well.

The injera dough is then baked on a big pan, with a diameter of 50 cm, much like a giant pancake. After baking, the injera is ready to be eaten, but before eating, it is usually rolled and cut in pieces that will fit onto a plate.
