Addis Ababa to get bike taxi service soon

Bike TaxiAddis Ababa (FBC) –Addis Ababa City Administration is set to get bike taxi service soon, according to the city transport coordination office.

The administration earmarked over 21 million birr budget to buy the bikes and build infrastructure for the first of its kind service in Ethiopia, the office said.

And out of the total budget, the office spent 7.1 million birr to buy 210 two and three-wheeled bikes, according to Leuel Hailu, head of project management at the office.

Moreover, at total of 8 km road was built for this purpose, he said.

The bikes were distributed to three small and micro enterprise associations to launch the service early next month.

The bike taxi service will be given from CMC Square–Summit soft drink plant, from Imperial Square-Atlas Hotel and from Ayat Square-Ayat Medhanialem Church.

They bikes will also provide service from Ayat Medhanialem Church-Ayat Chefe and from Imperial Square-Woreda 17 and from Shola Menafesh-Atlas Hotel,

CRG, an institution working on climate change, provided more than 13 million birr support for the project.

Source: Fana Broadcasting