Number of International Tourists Rising in Ethiopia

Tourism RevenueAddis Ababa, Ethiopia – The number of foreign tourists visiting Ethiopia has been increasing by 12 percent yearly since 1991, Ministry of Culture and Tourism said.

According to the ministry’s Public and International Relations Director, Awoke Tenaw the number of international tourists visiting Ethiopia has been rising 12-13 percents yearly since 1991 and the revenue from tourism up to 30 percent.

In 1990/91 number of tourists visited Ethiopia was 80 thousand with revenue of 38 million Birr.

But this Ethiopian fiscal year of last 9 months, 510 thousand tourists visited the country, and the revenue generated from it was about 1.5 billion USD or 30 billion Birr.

The peace, the expansion of infrastructure, hotels and other services, the increase of tour operators , and the development of the country in general have contributed for the rise in number of the international tourists every year in Ethiopia ,said the director.

Source: ENA